In a session titled “The Developments” at the 39th Asian Racing Conference in Melbourne on 17 February, delegates took a look at key recent developments in Asian Racing Federation member nations, India and Korea.
Mr. Shivkumar Kheny, Chairman, Turf Authorities of India and Chairman, Bangalore Turf Club Ltd, told the conference his group had initiated a case study to integrate all their racing clubs into one combined totalisator.
“We have major challenges – we are seven clubs with seven different racing rules but one nation, one tax, one tote is our goal,” he said.
His countryman, Mr. Suresh Paladugu, Founder, North Alley, outlined complications in the parimutuel system with each Indian club operating independent totes with increasing operational costs. “These are limiting factors,” he said.
The Korean Racing Authority’s Mr. Tae-hwan Choi outlined significant advances in racing and breeding in his jurisdiction.
“What the KRA has done for the Korean breeding industry is import better stallions, implement a breeder’s owners’ premium and mating consultations for better quality foals. In regards to training, there are enforced pre-training tests, an indoor uphill track and we’ve encouraged horse training with a subsidy,” he said.