The Racing Integrity Board (RIB) is New Zealand’s independent regulator for thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing, established under the Racing Industry Act 2020. The objectives of the Board are to promote, and ensure compliance with, high standards of animal welfare, integrity, and professionalism by participants in the racing industry for the benefit of the public, participants, and the racing industry as a whole.
The Board of the RIB is appointed by the Minister for Racing and reports to Parliament on its performance through the Minister. The RIB employs racing stewards, regulatory veterinarians, investigators, wagering integrity analysts and animal welfare personnel. It oversees race-day operations, manages prohibited substance testing through New Zealand Racing Laboratory Services and administers adjudicative and appeals procedures to address breaches of the rules.
New Zealand Thoroughbred Racing (NZTR) is responsible for creating and maintaining the rules of thoroughbred racing, while the RIB ensures their enforcement. Collaborating closely with NZTR, the RIB provides expert advice on technical areas such as compliance, animal welfare, and prohibited substances, ensuring the rules are effectively implemented and uphold the highest integrity standards.