Deputy Chairperson, ARF Council on Anti-Illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime
Executive Manager, Due Diligence and Research, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
The session will focus on the status of anti-illegal betting and highlight the work that the ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce have been doing to combat illegal betting to protect racing integrity as well as engaging with government agencies. Members of the ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce will discuss the forthcoming Handbook on “Good Practices in Addressing Illegal Betting - A Handbook for Racing and Sports Organisations to Uphold Integrity”.
Deputy Chairperson, ARF Council on Anti-Illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime
Executive Manager, Due Diligence and Research, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Executive Manager, Racing Integrity & Betting Analysis, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Chief Regulatory Officer, British Horseracing Authority
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Executive Manager, Racing Security and Integrity Assurance, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Deputy Chairman, ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce, Senior Due Diligence and Research Manager, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Executive Manager, Racing Integrity & Betting Analysis, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Chief Regulatory Officer, British Horseracing Authority
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, General Manager, Intelligence and Integrity Services, Racing Victoria
Deputy Chairperson, ARF Council on Anti-Illegal Betting and Related Financial Crime
Executive Manager, Due Diligence and Research, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Executive Manager, Racing Integrity & Betting Analysis, The Hong Kong Jockey Club
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Chief Regulatory Officer, British Horseracing Authority
ARF Anti-Illegal Betting Taskforce Member, Executive Manager, Racing Security and Integrity Assurance, The Hong Kong Jockey Club